Monday, August 21, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Shooting small objects at blown-up sizes, seeing the minute details and capturing them in a camera makes it a very interesting field of photography.
I've also discovered that macro photography can be very painful if you donot have the right amount of patience. But once you have started playing with the settings and found the right one for you it is super fun.
From what I've read, true macro photography is best done with a macro lens and an SLR camera. However, I feel fairly satisfied with the performance of my Canon S3IS. Using the super macro mode with a low aperture setttings gives pretty good results. Ofcourse playing with the shutter speed and aperture a little bit can make the results even more satisfactory.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Once in a while there is this sudden rush of passion and interest that hits me when I least expect it. If it comes to me fast, then it leaves me even faster. This time around its an interest in photography. Well, this "sudden rush" thing is also often accompanied by an impulse buy. And this time around its a CANON S3 IS which is an absolutely marvelous piece of equipment and I love it so far. To be fair to the camera itself and just to give a comapritive idea on the performance of the camera, I think I should give a low-down on it. So here goes it...

Type of Camera:
Compact digital camera with built-in flash, 12x Optical / 4x Digital / 48x Combined Zoom

Total Pixels:
Approx. 6.2 Megapixels

Focal Length:
6.0-72.0mm f/2.7-3.5 (35mm film equivalent: 36-432mm)

LCD Monitor:
2.0 inch low-temperature polycrystalline silicon TFT color LCD with variable-angle function

Maximum Aperture:
f/2.7 (W) - f/3.5 (T)

Shutter Speed:
15-1/3200 sec. (settable in Tv or M)

Shooting Modes:
Auto; Creative: P, Av, Tv, M, C; Image: Portrait, Landscape, Night Scene, Sports, Special Scene (Foliage, Snow, Beach, Fireworks, Indoor, Night Snapshot, Color Accent, Color Swap), My Colors, Stitch Assist, Movie

All this interest in photography really started when I was going through a friends blog which had a link to the pictures she had taken. The pictures were really impressive and intiated an interest in photography in me.
I surprised myself with all the research I did on photography and all the forums I joined to learn the tips and tricks of photography even before I bought the camera. Although I did some research on photography, I didnt know squat about what equipment to buy. So I totaly relied on another friend's advise on buying the camera itself. She being a "total photography person" and all, owning a myriad of cameras from pentax to canon, sugested the CANON S3 IS and I just bought it without a second thought. And I must thank her for this beautiful suggestion coz I totaly love the camera. I just now hope my interest in photography lasts a little longer than the others did.
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