Whenever you come across an idea or confront an opinion, you have a choice to handle it open mindedly or conservatively. Being open minded all the time means you are constantly changing your ideals, while giving a chance to the idea or the opinion that you come across.Which further means you cannot hold on to one ideal or one belief , which would make you feel vulnerable and wandering, without a foothold. This simply is not a recipe for success. However being conservative all the time, would mean you are sticking by your one ideal or belief and not giving a chance to other possibilities and simply not growing, which again is not a recipe for success. This seems like a perfect paradox. So, one can never approach any idea being either open minded or conservative. There has to be a bit of both to get ahead with the idea. So people who call themselves a liberal or a conservative can go take a hike. Everybody is a bit of both.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Productivity level...dangerously low

Thanks to a very cool software called Autodesk Viz, and Autodesk Inventor, killing time at office has been made a
whole lot interesting. Theses accompanying pics are a couple of my creations. My productivity at office is at an all time low now.
The first pic is a supposed Mclaren MP4-20 with the famous Viking horns. The gold rendering is an attempt at displaying my artistic skills. I've used dimensional data from Mclaren.com and F1.com and pics from all over the web as reference.
The second pic is my rendering of a V6 engine block. I've used pics of a Ford GT 5.4L Aluminum Block as my reference.
As I munch on a Parle-G biscuit at my desk, I see my R&D manager walk into his office. Boy Am I glad to see him back!! While he was away (for more than a week), loads of shit has been piled over me. I can now gladly hand it all back to him. The reason he was away for so long was a bizarre incident in the office. My supervisor who I think is full of shit, made a comment on the R&D manager about a virus attack on the server. He claimed that XXX( R&D manager), was the originator of the virus coz he downloaded some unsecured stuff from the internet. Ofcourse XXX (who was a former IT employee of Reuters and holds a PHD in Mathematics) denied the accusation and conveniently asked my supervisor to walk out of his office, which started a whole process of accusations and name calling (at one point of time "asshole" was also used). It was some entertainment for all of us in the office.
Well anyway, its over and the R&D manager is back. Although I can shift back most of the work to him, I know I'll be stuck with some of it. Thanks a lot!!
Well anyway, its over and the R&D manager is back. Although I can shift back most of the work to him, I know I'll be stuck with some of it. Thanks a lot!!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Network failure...attempting to reconnect
whoa!! its been a while since I posted a blog. Shear boredom at the office and a constant urge to reconnect with my ability to read and write has driven me back to blogging (although, I didnt blog a great bit before).
Back in Bangalore it was a lot easier and convenient to keep myself updated and keep my brain cells challenged, which drove me to atleast a semi-decent level of reading, quizzing and conversing. I guess it was the crowd that I was amongst and the constantly urbanizing atmosphere of Bangalore and hence BMS which motivated me to watch,read and learn. Although in the US, access to information is a lot easier, (thanks to a free 11mbps, 24/7 wireless internet connection on-campus) I feel a lack of motivation to do the things that I did in BMS. I miss the crowd. So I guess my motivating force is people. It is strange, because I'm truly an introvert.
However, this doesn't mean I'm not having fun here. I have loads of fun. Different kind of fun. But I feel an urge to get back to those days of quizzing, reading and stuff that I did in BMS. This is one such attempt.
Back in Bangalore it was a lot easier and convenient to keep myself updated and keep my brain cells challenged, which drove me to atleast a semi-decent level of reading, quizzing and conversing. I guess it was the crowd that I was amongst and the constantly urbanizing atmosphere of Bangalore and hence BMS which motivated me to watch,read and learn. Although in the US, access to information is a lot easier, (thanks to a free 11mbps, 24/7 wireless internet connection on-campus) I feel a lack of motivation to do the things that I did in BMS. I miss the crowd. So I guess my motivating force is people. It is strange, because I'm truly an introvert.
However, this doesn't mean I'm not having fun here. I have loads of fun. Different kind of fun. But I feel an urge to get back to those days of quizzing, reading and stuff that I did in BMS. This is one such attempt.
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